Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hitler senpai

I went online and researched a guy named adolf hitler; a fascist leader that ruled over germany. He also was the person responsible for 3 million jews deaths. What i did was i basically researched a imfamous thing he did, GAS JEWISH PEOPLE. He did this so that soldiers would waste bullets and also it was a very efficient way of exposing of people that were to weak for him to use. I researched how high his "Gas bill" was. It turned out to be $3000 dollars all together. This is very suprising because a regular joe can kill a bunch of people in a short amount of time if he lures them into a secluded room. I also collected info on how many people he killed all together and it was over 3 million which is still alot of the population.

More about hitler...
Hitler grew up in Austria, born in 1889, He was the leader of the nazis and a dictator. He died in 1945 from commiting suicide with his mistress.
Image result for Kawaii hitler

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