Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Do they deserve mercy?

Well I can't really answer this question in my own opinion because I've never really had a thought on this event. But if some were forced or too scared to disobey the orders because they were scared they may get shot for it, then I guess so. But no also because they could've just walked out like any other person unless they were drafted. I don't how how these army things work, and I don't really plan on learning. It's not like I'm going into the army or anything. I mean, you did have a choice when doing this, and you must've had one hell of a messed up mind at the time to actually sign up for a thing like that. I mean there have been times when I should've taken action, but I did nothing. Like with my grandmother, she said she was going out, but I felt like she should've stayed home. Of course I said nothing of course, and let her do what she wanted because she works every week. Of course me saying nothing resulted in her leaving her phone all the way in a hotel in chicago.

Image result for lost phone meme

1 comment:

  1. Shawn,very insightful comments. It is definitely hard to imagine people treating others this way, but these times were very dark and messsed up. Who knows what went through their minds? Still inexcusable, but I like your introspection. 10/10
