Wednesday, February 15, 2017


i don't think that the soldiers should be forgiven ever because its way to late now and what happened, happened its all history now. Even it they still have time to change it, they should not be ever forgiven because they killed extremly a lot of inasent people. the made it the darkest days in history when all of that started. It was so big the whole earth knows about it and now even though it happened a really long time ago.

i seen student fight each other once and instead of doing anything about it i just stayed there looking at them fight each. when i could of called a teacher to stop them from fighting. Tell a friend to help me try to stop them but i rather tell a teacher. that would be a time i would tell a teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Jose, you bring up excellent points. Make sure to add a picture next time! 9/10
