Thursday, February 2, 2017

Anne Frank

I searched up Anne Frank because I've heard about her and her family and I wanted to know about her. Anne Frank was a teen girl that started to write a diary when she and her family and other people went to hiding during the Holocaust( She was a jew and she went into hiding because her family didn't want to go to the camps they have heard.( Anne Frank was 13 years old when she and her family went into hiding(  Anne Frank and her family were hiding in a makeshift quarters in a empty space at the back of her father's company( They didn't wanted to be at the camps and wanted to be up there it all of this had pasted( Anne's father employes helped them stay alive by bring them food and things from the outside world. They did't put a feet to of their hiding for two years( Some questions I had was if Anne Frank had family with her?..she did. She had her family and other family that they were very good friends. Other question I had was how she died?...she die when she was sent to camp. She die because she had typhus.  The really really sad part was that the camps was liberated a few weeks after Anne Frank had die. 

Image result for pic of Anne frankdImage result for pic of Anne frank

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