Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Would I fast?

I personally wouldn't fast. It wouldn't be worth the increased chance of death. There was already so little food, why would you refuse to eat that little amount. Would you just give your food to another inmate? I'd rather keep what health I had left then stop eating because you're supposed to according to religion. I'm pretty sure that YHWH would understand. What kind of god wouldn't be okay with you disobeying the tradition under those circumstances? I would only fast if I didn't care what happened. It wouldn't surprise me if the very religious people fasted though. I don't understand why people do things like fasting for religion. I would be fine with just having one day a week for worship, then just have a normal week after that. It just doesn't make sense that people would put themselves in harm's way just because their god apparently told some guy a long time ago to do it.

Image result for soup

1 comment:

  1. Chris, you bring up some very interesting points about religion in this post. Awesome job! 10/10
