Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The future

What do i want to be when i grow up??and why??

WEll i always wanted to be a professional soccer player because  i love it and i played this sport for almost all my life ,it reminds me of some good time i had during my childhood,and it reminds me of my friend and who i really i am  ,it like the only thing that  makes me happy ,w  ,and everyday i do my best to learn new trick and other stuff about soccer ,to me it more than a sport ,it a life style for me .

Image result for soccer player
I wouldn't fast because i Would want to actually eat. Idk why i would actually want to starve myself for no reason what so ever. If i could get as much food when ever I want whenever i want then there really isn't a reason to starve myself. But if i was limited to like i could only get served food 4 times a week or something like that then i probally would fast cause if i ate a little bit at a time then i would still be able to live unlike eating all the food in one day then starving for the other days that would be terrible on the other hand I think i would rather die because I wouldn't want to live life that way its cruel and It techinically just dying real slowly and the germans watching you in pain unlike just ending it all and you can finally be free.

What would you do if you had money, I will.....

I wish I had enough money to help the homeless people and to help any kind of people. I will help because people need a second chances. They are looked bad by some people because they are not like them. For example in the book Night they Jews are looked different because they are not Christan's. I will also help other programs like for kids that have no education and for woman's that have abused. I have a good life and I just want other people to have it and be happy because that is what people deserve. No matter if they are different than others because that is what makes this world.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017


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I think people who are disrespectful in the camp should be because they are all trying to survive so whats the point of being disrespectful to others.You need all the help you can get in the camp.In the camp their all in it together , if they all would of met each other and stick together their probly would of been less deaths.Maybe if they would of even fought back their might be less deaths also.People don't realize how much other people will come in handy when you are struggling.


i wouldnt fast because il probly be really hungry but i wouldnt lose my faithImage result for faith

Do they deserve mercy?

Well I can't really answer this question in my own opinion because I've never really had a thought on this event. But if some were forced or too scared to disobey the orders because they were scared they may get shot for it, then I guess so. But no also because they could've just walked out like any other person unless they were drafted. I don't how how these army things work, and I don't really plan on learning. It's not like I'm going into the army or anything. I mean, you did have a choice when doing this, and you must've had one hell of a messed up mind at the time to actually sign up for a thing like that. I mean there have been times when I should've taken action, but I did nothing. Like with my grandmother, she said she was going out, but I felt like she should've stayed home. Of course I said nothing of course, and let her do what she wanted because she works every week. Of course me saying nothing resulted in her leaving her phone all the way in a hotel in chicago.

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Do you think these people should be forgiven?
No, I think that people need to be punish or something, nothing bad but nothing good too. Making they work and do the things what they forced people do. Because that's mean, you know, the holocaust was pretty bad place for the people of that time.

Write about a time you stood by when you should have interviewed. Why did you do this? What was the result?
Well, I think the result was feel bad fot not helping someone or some people.

Would I fast?

I personally wouldn't fast. It wouldn't be worth the increased chance of death. There was already so little food, why would you refuse to eat that little amount. Would you just give your food to another inmate? I'd rather keep what health I had left then stop eating because you're supposed to according to religion. I'm pretty sure that YHWH would understand. What kind of god wouldn't be okay with you disobeying the tradition under those circumstances? I would only fast if I didn't care what happened. It wouldn't surprise me if the very religious people fasted though. I don't understand why people do things like fasting for religion. I would be fine with just having one day a week for worship, then just have a normal week after that. It just doesn't make sense that people would put themselves in harm's way just because their god apparently told some guy a long time ago to do it.

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i don't think that the soldiers should be forgiven ever because its way to late now and what happened, happened its all history now. Even it they still have time to change it, they should not be ever forgiven because they killed extremly a lot of inasent people. the made it the darkest days in history when all of that started. It was so big the whole earth knows about it and now even though it happened a really long time ago.

i seen student fight each other once and instead of doing anything about it i just stayed there looking at them fight each. when i could of called a teacher to stop them from fighting. Tell a friend to help me try to stop them but i rather tell a teacher. that would be a time i would tell a teacher.
i would not fasten because in the concentration camp they was barley eating and now they fasten.Then u cant eat in like three days because the concentration camp because they are really petty.Then if you fasten if you already didnt eat you cant eat no more then you might pass out or maybe death.I never had a tradition because my family never made up one.
Image result for fasten in concentration camp