Wednesday, May 10, 2017

What did I think of The Kite Runner?

Shawndrell Taylor

I don't really like sad things, but The Kite Runner was a pretty good book. I really go into detail about what I specifically liked about it, but I just liked it a lot.  It makes me wonder what life is like for others outside of where I live. And when I just thought of that, it reminded me of the other book I'm reading, I Will Always Write Back. Just how I'm wondering what life is like in other countries, Caitlin is wondering what Martin's life is like in Zimbabwe. She worries for Martin and wonders how he's doing, just like how Amir (as a adult) was wondering how Hassan was doing back in Kabul. I feel like maybe, just maybe Kite Runner and I Will Always Write Back have some similarities. I don't know if my theory is true but if it is I'll have to look out for these similarities when I get back to reading it.

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