Wednesday, May 3, 2017

magic wand

i would do many things with the magic wand, i would first try many ways to try to break it. if it breaks then i'm going to try to fix it but for some reason i feel like the wand wont break. then after all that im going to go to tell my friends and start wishing things for things. my first wish is going to be to become a professional soccer player because that would be a dream one and also to get a lot of money. also to help my family with a better house and cars and things that someone rich would usually have. buy anything that my family is in need of and wants. help poor people and help then get jobs and not be poor, also help kids in need of care. also i would have a superpower to see through computers and laptops same thing because ms. shapiro said she cant and i would just have that superpower to show it off lol. that would be all i would do but mybe more but i dont feel like typing it all because its too much :]Image result for magic wand

1 comment:

  1. Jose.... very interesting post. I like your superpower, wish I had it. 10/10
