Wednesday, May 3, 2017


magic wand

Image result for magic wand

it was a stormy night. I began to walk down the stairs when I heard boom...When i made it to the last step i stopped to listen for the sound again it went boom again but so much louder. I mean so much louder like right next to my ear louder I turn around to see...a man with know legs flying in the air. He said god finally I was trying to get your attention for so long. he said i have something for you but first i need you to sign here i did and here . He gave me a box and disappeared. I shake the box just to make sure it wasn't a bomb. it sound like little stick not that much bigger than a pencil . I open it up and it was a wand I had this blank look on my face like what the f**k why did that flying man give me this d**n thing. I start shaking it in my hand getting angry. then my house turned upside down and then i knew I found a magic wand.   

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