Wednesday, May 10, 2017

End of KR Journal opions

Image result for friendship breakup

The picture represent friendship breakup.2 boys have different way.Like Amir and Hassan.After their friendship breakup they have different way,different end.Amir follow Baba go to U.S.Hassan follow Ali stay Mazara.Since that they have two different kinds of life.And I think their friendship breakup is the most important in the book.All of thing next happened because of this.If their friendship don't breakup,maybe will have another end.

Image result for the kite runner

The picture shows two boys catching the kite and a sentence.
The picture can represent the kite game in Kabul when Hassan and Amir are young."For you,a thousand times over." is Hassan said to Amir before he catch blue kite for Amir. (When Amir saw Assef bully Hassan,he said nothing and try to get rid of Hassan.Amir is cowardly at that time.)
The picture also can represent the end in the book.Amir and Hassan's son Sohrab play kite in the U.S.Before Amir catch the kite for Sohrab he said in his heart "For you,a thousand times over."Like Hassan did before.The last sentence in the book is "I run." Run for the kite.Deeper meaning is run for hope,for someday they can touch Sohrab,for the new beginning. (Amir back to Kabul save Sohrab.He knows it's dangerous place and still go.Make up for the previous fault.Be brave.)

Image result for war Taliban

The picture represent war.It's really cruel for everyone.A lot of children lost their parents.People lost their house,family.They can't eat enough food.Bewildered everyday.If there is no war,although Amir and Hassan friendship breakup.They still can live in the world.But because of the war,Hassan die.Hope the world always peace.No war.

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