Wednesday, May 3, 2017

majic wand

if i had a magic wand i would change everything i need that goes wrong.i would wish for all the money and give all my family a new house.then after that i want to wish with my wand a lot of money to pay for my college funds.then after when i go to the league i want to have all the good shoes and clothes the best in the league.then i will wish for all my little sister to have good money throughout all the school year.then when i want to buy my mom a big house so where she can stay there and three cars just for good looks.then i would get free haircuts for life.then i would to try to help all the homeless people out on the streets.then i want help all my friends with there problems.

1 comment:

  1. Dominick, this is great. Just needs a picture 9/10
