Wednesday, May 10, 2017

my review of kr

I think about kite runner is ok but it was not a book for kids b/c they can't handle the thoughts and the act that happen in the book. Kite Runner it made a lot of thoughts come to people heads and how is life is really made of i can't stop what the world is but at least i can try to make people happy. If u never read the book you should b/c it is good but there is part that wold make you mad so do't think of it as a book think of it like someone is telling you a story of their life nothing more. I can't believe that we read it all with out anyone getting mad about what happen in the book so think about it it will change how you think about life. I still say make everyday good and make people happy b/c at the end we all need to be happy so have a great day and take care jim here telling you the news see you guys next time peace.
Image result for take care

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