Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sanaubar´s Journal

In Sanaubar´s journal she said that she felt bad for leaving Hassan immediately. The reason she left was because she hated the fact that she had a child with Ali, and she ended up taking her anger out on Hassan then. After she left, she realized what she had done and wanted to go back, but she thought it was too late and she had caused too much damage by leaving. She also wrote about what had happened after she left. She tried to go along with the group she ran away with, but she ended up leaving after a while because she was consumed with guilt. By the time she left, they had traveled all the way to Italy. She spent the rest of the time that she was away trying to get back to Hassan, getting jobs on her journey back to pay for the trip itself. The trip took a lot longer than she thought, because she got an offer to be a model, and she took it. She stayed with that for a couple years. But then she was replaced, so she continued her journey. She of course started to get older, and that slowed her progress and ability to get jobs quite a bit. She Wrote about when she finally got back to Hassan too. When she finally saw Hassan again, she was so happy. She was the happiest she has ever been. But then Hassan ran out of the house, and that made her feel like the entire journey was a mistake. When he came back the next morning, they exchanged stories. Then she delivered Farzana´s baby. That was one of the happiest moments of her life, right under meeting Hassan again. She wanted to do her best at taking care of Sohrab, Hassan´s son, to make up for leaving Hassan when he was so little. She grew very close to Sohrab, and she enjoyed every second that she was there. That was here final entry.

1 comment:

  1. Chris, wonderful job. Just needs a pic! 9/10
