Wednesday, April 12, 2017


everyone has a choice to make everyday,and that choices will determine what our future will be ,for example ,if i decide to smoke today ,in the future i will probably have problem ,if i decide to skip school today ,tomorrow i will get in trouble ,if i decide not to go to college ,then tomorrow i will not have any education then i cannot have a good job ,if i decide to be in a gang ,then tomorrow i will go in jail ,if i decide to rob a house then the police will arrest me ,if i decide to fight the police then it'll probably end ugly ,in some case i could die ,see all these are the choice that will probably give you a dark future ,but these ,if i decide to go to college today ,the i have a 70% to have a good job in the future ,if i decide to train hard for soccer ,then i might go to the next level. if i decide to follow and depend on God then my future will be clear .see in all these things we have the choice ,and that choice will determine our future.if you make a bad choice and sometimes there is  nothing you can do about it except accept to live with pain in your life and learn form it ,life is all about choices ,make a good one .Image result for quote about choices in life

1 comment:

  1. Henoc, this is very deep. Good work 10/10
