Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Hero's Journey

        Once upon a time there was  a girl named Kitty she was the most beautiful girl in the village. She was loved by many men. Kitty didn't any kind of men, she wanted a handsome men. Kitty was some happy that ever men in the village wanted her. That made her enemies and  she didn't like that. She when out the the woods to get wood for the fire. When she was in her way back she heard footsteps and people laughing. kitty started running and she felt a person grabbing her. The men's that had Kitty captor was not from the village the were send by some very special. Well it was the king that wanted Kitty to be his wife and long love. Kitty woke up in a nice, clean, beautiful room in the castle. She didn't want to be the king's wife, she wanted to live in the village. The maid was listing to Kitty talk and she said "Any girl would be happy to be the king's wife...Why not you." Kitty was thing about it for a minutes and she said "I don't want to be with the king because he is not she long love." "I already have a love but.. he doesn't know it yet." Back in the village everyone was sad about Kitty's kidnap. The word went around and Kitty's long love heard it and went to find her. His name was George and he has liked Kitty for a long long time. George went to the woods where she was last seen. He found Kitty's bracelet in the floor with mud. He saw foot markers in the mud going to the north of the village. In the way to the north George was followed by a little kid for an hour. George stop and told him why was he following him. The kid said "I know was you are looking for." George was confused and said "Really what am I looking for then." The kid told George he was looking for Kitty. George was shocked and started walking. George and the kid went to the north and found them self in big trouble. George and the kid went through forest, swamps, fighting people and through rains. When the two men's thought the couldn't go on, they saw the castle and Kitty out said the window. They couldn't believe they found her and that she was fine. They when to the castle and 

1 comment:

  1. Diana,
    This is an excellent story! Very creative. Just needs a picture. 9/10
