Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kite runner

I had to leave home because I was protecting my son. I wanted him to be safe with his father and not with me. I didn't want anything happening to them so I decided to leave without nobody know where I was. I did it and they people that was threading me was waiting for me at the end of the road. I was sad I wasn't going to see my baby boy but it was for the best, to protect him. No matter if he doesn't forgive me or what people thought of me, I know I did what I did to protect him. 

Other the years the people that me do things I'm not proud of and I couldn't do. They cut me for no reason and I toke everything just to keep my son safe still after many many years. I always dream of him being all grown up and having a family. I just want to see him for a bit, to see how he has grown, how his father toke care of him, how he was living. All that thoughts around my head is killing me. I don't know what to do anymore.

Image result for picture of diaryToday I decided to run away. I wanted to see my son.I say the house of Baba, I knock on the door and someone had open the door then lights out. I opened my eyes and there he was looking at my. I couldn't contented my self and I told him I was his mother. He ran away and the next day he hugged me and I had the chance to see my grandchild. I felt so happy and so sad I missed everything in my son's life. I felt like I was in home and I was lost for many years. I looked at my son and saw how many years I missed his growth. I wanted to change that with my grandchild. I loved him and play with everything I couldn't do with my son.Related image

1 comment:

  1. Diana, this is so wonderfully written. Excellent 10/10
