Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sanaubar´s Journal

In Sanaubar´s journal she said that she felt bad for leaving Hassan immediately. The reason she left was because she hated the fact that she had a child with Ali, and she ended up taking her anger out on Hassan then. After she left, she realized what she had done and wanted to go back, but she thought it was too late and she had caused too much damage by leaving. She also wrote about what had happened after she left. She tried to go along with the group she ran away with, but she ended up leaving after a while because she was consumed with guilt. By the time she left, they had traveled all the way to Italy. She spent the rest of the time that she was away trying to get back to Hassan, getting jobs on her journey back to pay for the trip itself. The trip took a lot longer than she thought, because she got an offer to be a model, and she took it. She stayed with that for a couple years. But then she was replaced, so she continued her journey. She of course started to get older, and that slowed her progress and ability to get jobs quite a bit. She Wrote about when she finally got back to Hassan too. When she finally saw Hassan again, she was so happy. She was the happiest she has ever been. But then Hassan ran out of the house, and that made her feel like the entire journey was a mistake. When he came back the next morning, they exchanged stories. Then she delivered Farzana´s baby. That was one of the happiest moments of her life, right under meeting Hassan again. She wanted to do her best at taking care of Sohrab, Hassan´s son, to make up for leaving Hassan when he was so little. She grew very close to Sohrab, and she enjoyed every second that she was there. That was here final entry.
Hassan's mom left him and her husband. When she came back Hassan didn't know who he was, and she told him and he ran off. He was really shocked about her coming back. She takes care of Hassan's child. She's trying to replace what she had done years before that. She wants to fix everything now after she came back. She doesn't want Hassan to feel unimportant in any way. I don't know why he left or what happened after she did but I know she wants her family back and make things better with Hasan.
She had eloped with a band of singers and dancers in 1964,just after she had given birth to Hassan.
Because Sanaubar was a vision when she youth.But notoriously unscrupulous woman.I think she is really despise Ali's ugly face,and her son also is ugly.So she leave.
Hassan and his mother kneeling together,picking tomatoes or trimming a rosebush,talking.They were catching up on all the lost years.
Sanaubar came out of the hut holding her grandson,had him wrapped in a wool blanket.She stood beaming under a dull gray sky,tears streaming down her cheeks,the needle-cold wind blowing her hair,and clutching that baby in her arms like she never wanted to let go.He became the center of her existence,She sewed clothes for him,built him toys from scraps of wood,rags,and dried grass.When he caught a fever,she stayed up all night,and fasted for three days.The two of them were inseparable.
I think she is really enjoy the life.Son and grandson both beside her.The family is enjoyingable.

Sanaubar's Journal

Sanaubar POV (Point of View)

1) I was so in love with Baba, actually. He was a big man and very straight, he knew what he wanted and did not give much detour with what he was saying or doing.
When I realized, I was pregnant. It was a boy. 2) I think too much about the pregnancy, did not want the baby had a mother like me. Hassan was so correct and I was so .. so me. And the only thing I could decide is to leave it to him, he would take care of it as if it were his life. I gave birth and decided it was time to disappear.

3) I go through many complicated situations, I had to live in too many buildings, I could not pay any rent. I spent days without food and with the help of some people I could continue to live and feed myself. 4) After so long I realized that it was wrong to have left my son alone with his father, not because of the fact that Baba was a bad person, but for the fact that it was a bad decision of mine. My health was not the best, I had to find it, look for it until at least see it for the last time after my life ended.

5) At least he knew that he had made a good decision to look for it. I had found him and I was more than happy. He had a grandson, he was really beautiful. I was going to die happy, meeting my big and strong son, along with his wife and grandson.

*1) The number of the question.
It's like a story, or like she writte this. :)

Sanaubar's journal

Why did she come back?
How did she feel after reuniting with her son? her grandson?Image result for sanaubar

Well, I think she came back to make peace with Hassan, she did love her son, but she regretted leaving behind her son. She came back and wanted to make it up by spending time with her grandson when he is growing up.  I think she felt good because she just reunited with her son after years of separation and she feel also good to see her grandson.
they moved to america and went to a market and met the geneal and his dauther and amir has been seeing this girl and then the genael came back and tralk to amir .and then baba went to the doctor and baba walk out then went to a different one and found out that he had cancer and then amir got married and baba died and amir went to palastan and gave a book to then only person who loved him and then got in  a fight and yea

Sanaubar's journal

so let pretend i found sanaubar  journal fisrt thing what happened to baba ?they had a conflict why she leave hassan?well maybe because she did want to have a  life without a baby  ,yes she came back and she feels bad about leaving her son and her  grandson.

week 25 blog

Image result for kite runner

What happen to the parents is sanaubar left her son and her husband because of the big argument. she felt relieved when she came back into her husband life, she had a lot of hope that one day they can finally be back together  and the baby would have someone to rely on. in my opinion I feel like it was stupid that she came in his life again because she left for a reason and if it was me I would of never took her back but i would be there for the child.


the girl left hassan because she wanted to reach her dreams as a pro dancer and she didn't want nothing to top her so that answers why she did everything she did. then years ast and she relized that she wasn't able to make it and then after she notice she couldn't make she regreted leaving hassan. she wanted to come back with hassan but she was too scared to see him again, so she waited more years but she wanted to see him before he died, and she actually did ended up seeing him.



bad mom

Image result for bad moms

hassan mom is a bad mom.
she was just a shadow in his life
she did come and make up for what she has done but it doesn't fix any thing 
she wanted hassan forgiveness before she died
she isn't a my type of person

The Kite Runner

Image result for a kite runnerI think she came back she wants to get close to Amir and Baba I don´t think she means any harm. She just wants to get close with her soon again. She felt better because she got to see them after a while. She had got to meet her first grandson. She got to see her soon after a while. She got to see Baba. It probably made her feel like she has a family again. Baba probably felt weird because she came out of nowhere. ItÅ› a new start for them to become close. She can spend more time with her family now.

Sanaubar's Journal

Sanaubar never wanted to leave Hassan. She got pregnant while she was trying to reach her dream. She didn't want anything to stop her so she left Hassan behind and planned to come back for him when she made it. She ran off with a crew of dancers hoping one day she will be a professional dancer. After a few years she realized she wasn't going to make it. She regretted leaving Hassan, she was too scared to appear on Hassan's life after too many years. Sanaubar thought Hassan wouldn't want her in his life no more, so she stayed away from Hassan. As even more years past she didn't want to die without getting to know Hassan and Hassan never getting to know her. One day Sanaubar finally decided to meet Hassan before she died.  

Kite runner

I had to leave home because I was protecting my son. I wanted him to be safe with his father and not with me. I didn't want anything happening to them so I decided to leave without nobody know where I was. I did it and they people that was threading me was waiting for me at the end of the road. I was sad I wasn't going to see my baby boy but it was for the best, to protect him. No matter if he doesn't forgive me or what people thought of me, I know I did what I did to protect him. 

Other the years the people that me do things I'm not proud of and I couldn't do. They cut me for no reason and I toke everything just to keep my son safe still after many many years. I always dream of him being all grown up and having a family. I just want to see him for a bit, to see how he has grown, how his father toke care of him, how he was living. All that thoughts around my head is killing me. I don't know what to do anymore.

Image result for picture of diaryToday I decided to run away. I wanted to see my son.I say the house of Baba, I knock on the door and someone had open the door then lights out. I opened my eyes and there he was looking at my. I couldn't contented my self and I told him I was his mother. He ran away and the next day he hugged me and I had the chance to see my grandchild. I felt so happy and so sad I missed everything in my son's life. I felt like I was in home and I was lost for many years. I looked at my son and saw how many years I missed his growth. I wanted to change that with my grandchild. I loved him and play with everything I couldn't do with my son.Related image