Wednesday, December 7, 2016

othello the movie and book

my class was reading othello and we just finished the move today. I like othello because it had twrist in people plans. Why because it had made me think about how people get others to do what they want at first but later they didn't get what they really want at all. My favorite part is when othello, Desdemona, and Emilia die it was sad but they all had to die this is shakespeare that made the othello so yeah . If I could change the ending of it I would changed it to a happier story and made iago die. I really enjoy it and i hope you guys did too have a good winter break and happy new years everyone take good.🙋 
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1 comment:

  1. You make it sound like you won't see us for awhile :)

    I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I just love how frustrating it is to read! BOO Iago!
