Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Book review

Image result for othello

I did not like this story because it was boring, and yes there is some part of it that i like but most of the story,
i liked it at the beginning of it , but the ending did not sound good because, how come the principal actor of the movie die,it is not like all the movie I've watched, The dude prefer to believe in someone else instead of believing in soulmate, (wife), believed Iago with some With some precise and false proof.
And they end so bad because the dude kills his wife and Emilia,Roderigo,Othello, 4 bodies down, and Iago still alive, the one who caused everything that did happen, and he gets to live. He should get a death sentence.
this why i don;t like this story because it is the worst story I've ever read

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