Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Book review

Image result for Othello and IagoTo me i didn't really like the book because i didn't really get it. If the book was like books like now and not shakespeare language. also i like the actors that came to our classroom and started to act out the scene i really like that bc i got what scene they were acting out so when they did it i got it really quick. I also liked the movie we watched all tho i didn't like the end. Then in the book they said that Iago got send to jail and in the movie Othello killed Iago so i didn't really get that but the movie was good from beginning to the middle. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you---that change at the end totally changes the effect of the book. Reading the original language is difficult, but I'm proud that you stuck with it.
