Monday, December 12, 2016

All the streets in urbana became rivers?

If all the streets in urbana became rivers everyone would have to either swim or buy boats. People would be struggling trying to get to work. They would be late all the time to wherever they would be going. If kids had to get to school it would be a struggle for both the parents and the children. I couldn't imagine if there was water surrounding me everywhere I think I would freak out. On the bright side of this (kind of) would be that people could go swimming in the summer time, but in the winter it would be a whole different story. The roads would be all icy and people wouldn't be able to drive boats or swim. Some people would love this but others wouldn't. Me, I wouldn't like this at all, first: I don't even like winter or snow nor any cold weather. I was born in July and I like warm and hot weather way better than cold weather. 

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