Wednesday, December 7, 2016

my post

I didn't really like the book cause mainly everything i read about Shakespeare is pretty predictable I also didn't understand quite what was really going on if you ask me. I don't like the way they talk because i never know what they are talking about. even in the modern version i still didn't understand what was going on. I mean the only thing i might know is that Iago is pretty much an evil person who just keeps lying to people and making things i bunch of people miserable he ruined Othello's marriage causing both of them to die betraying Rodrego and he also died but at the end even though he ruined everyones life his plan did not work out he tried so hard to get to where he wanted to be but in the end it still didn't work out.

1 comment:

  1. Just reading this post, I see that you know more than you think! Reading Shakespeare can be difficult, but I think it's great that you took all of this meaning out of it anyways! Remember to ask us if you have any questions---we're here to help!
