Wednesday, August 31, 2016


                                      BOYS OF BARAKA

            The Boys Of   Baraka aka the boys of baltimore are born in the hood.All the boys are doing horrible in school and need a better education . They are all started attending a school in africa named baraka school. The school is supposed to help the boys succeed.The baraka school becomes harder for the boys , but they all know that they have to get through it . The boys have to stay their for 2 years. Their are 3 main people in the story, Romesh , Richard , Devon and Montrey . Montrey is the one with fighting issues Devon wants to become a preacher Romesh and Richard the two brothers want to just do good in school. Montrey the one i least expected to do good actually did great he made it to one of the best high schools . Devon Became a ice cream man , Romesh went to prison and Richard had no information . The Boys Of Baraka all did'nt go a second year at baraka school due to threats. This story has teached me "that some people have it rougher then others". 

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