Wednesday, August 31, 2016

baraka boys paragraph

So at the end of the movie montrey says " I think that people a kid from baltimore is supposed to grow up to be nothing . That we ain't got no future simply because we from the ghetto."  He is saying that everyone thinks he is from the hood so they think that he is gonna grow up and will be in jail or dead. They are basicly being looked at as another kid to grow up in a ghetto and just amount to nothing. He is  saying he isn't going to be like that. He is saying he is gonna be better then that and he is gonna make something out of himself and will have a good life. He isn't going  to be like them and he is proof that just because he is from the ghetto and he is gonna get out of the ghetto and have it better for his kids then he had when he was growing up and they will not have to go through what he had to when he was growing up. So he means that he is gonna have a good live eventho he is from the ghetto.

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