Wednesday, August 31, 2016

For this week I learn about Baraka school, it talk about the students went to Baraka school. Baraka school help them learn many thing and change  their life. Form the school they don't like to stay, no electronic for them, not convenient to live. But it help them think about their future and what they going to go next.

I rode a book about basketball. it is cartoon book and it funny book. it talk about the guy he got broke up. and the next day. one girl come and tell him about he should play sport because he is tall. But he never play sport on his life. and then he fight with her brother. but they judge by basketball.
We watched a movie called boys of baraka, this movie was about some boys going to a school that 20 kids from baltimore can fly to africa and learn in a better enviroment. Unlike the baltimore school they actually learned instead of talking, fighting, and horsing around. Once they got there they explored the place and played with many animals and a few days later they went to school and found out that some of them cant even read and are below their grade. After a month, the kids were getting on the honor roll list and were getting A´s home to their parents. They did so good that they all celebrated by climbing mount kenya and then hiking down.

             MY DREAM 

my dream is to stay in United Stated because it’s a country of Dream , many people have that dream to live in United Stated and i want to live in paris it also a part of my dream
             i want to be computer technician and Basketball player.
I want earn that job because i love this job ,i want to be professional in computer  in everything work with electricity, and i want to be a basketball and soccer player because i love,love this sport, and that’s my favorite sport.
Image result for basketball fireImage result for computer technicianImage result for dreamImage result for soccer messi

Boys of Baraka Question

I think Mavis was trying to give Richard some realistic advice. It would be kind of hard to become mayor, so you would want  a job that you think would be possible. I don't know why she recommended a job with working on cars, but it wouldn't be a bad job. I don't think she doubts he can do things that require more work that others. I think she wants him succeed in his life, instead of getting into drugs and stuff like others in the area. He probably wouldn't become mayor even if he did try, just because there would be someone else that would have better experience with politics. I remember my mom told me about this one time that her boss, when we lived in Wisconsin, told her that he thought she wasn't right for the job. But then he told her that she seemed like she would be good with a job working with kids. She co-owns a daycare with my grandmother, and her and the boss still talk.

baraka boys paragraph

So at the end of the movie montrey says " I think that people a kid from baltimore is supposed to grow up to be nothing . That we ain't got no future simply because we from the ghetto."  He is saying that everyone thinks he is from the hood so they think that he is gonna grow up and will be in jail or dead. They are basicly being looked at as another kid to grow up in a ghetto and just amount to nothing. He is  saying he isn't going to be like that. He is saying he is gonna be better then that and he is gonna make something out of himself and will have a good life. He isn't going  to be like them and he is proof that just because he is from the ghetto and he is gonna get out of the ghetto and have it better for his kids then he had when he was growing up and they will not have to go through what he had to when he was growing up. So he means that he is gonna have a good live eventho he is from the ghetto.
  The sources of their anger are they do not Baraka school.Baraka school does not like what they think.Because in the class,a boy said fuck then go outside.He said:I miss mom,miss everybody,the school do not like what i think.Then he takes his suitcase wanna go home.School should proved these services.
  When i play cell phone in class,teacher tell me put your cell phone away i also will be angry and don't like the school.

Boys of baraka

      When Montey said, "I think people from Baltimore is suppose to grow up to be nothing, that we ain't got no future simply because we from the ghetto. So i figure i'm gonna try and make a difference. I thought to myself that, that's not true at all because anybody, it doesn't matter where u from, can be anything they want. Montrey thinks the opposite because he grew up thinking that he can't be what he wants in life because of his educational environment. Growing up with drugs and gun violence etc. In my eyes you can be whatever you want in life as long as you put your mind to it, and don't put yourself down for anything.

how i fell about barka

i think that what the brakka school thing was good and bad at the same time. the reason i think its bad is because they started it and they went a year and they finally got used to it and actually liked it cause it was a lot better environment. and they they took it away. I think it was really good for them cause it tought them a lot of things about life and school and it was a lot easier for them to learn.

Boys of Baraka school

The baraka school help the boys in the Baltimore because they got away of the drugs and they fights. When the baraka school close and that hurt them and their communities. The boys all had a dream to get out some did and others didn't. I thought if baraka could stay open they could have help all the boys and the girls in life to see their future and get them out of Baltimore. It should have been a long term solution because they help them boys and made good progress with them. When i was in middle school i got in to alot of trouble and i didn't went to a program so i just took couple of years to think and fix what i have done.

Boys of Baraka Discussion Questions

I think that the baraka community program was really helping a lot of the student there. They always was nice and stopped fights not like the other school they used to go to. Also i do think that Baraka school it could of fix so many of there lives, instead of letting fall in jail and waste their like doing nothing in life, locked up. I think that many people would change with the same education that the kids that had, as in like they wont end up in jail they would learn and stay focused on school with no gangs, drugs, and bad people around them.

Montrey life

The reason why Montrey said that nobody in baltimore is going to make it because it is from the ghetto.he said that because he see it from the hood everywhere.Like he sees it from his family that nobody is going to make it from baltimore.He said that if he was keep going to brakka school he wouldve made something of his self instead of being from the hood.Montrey put that aside and went to the competative school in the state.He was on the honor roll and he graduated in 2008 and he didnt do nothing with his life but try to help his 13 year old month daughter.Montrey wanted to be a lab worker but he couldnt achieve his goal because he did some jail time and he had a baby.

montrey's view

I think that Montrey thinks that people in the ghetto have no future because they are always causing trouble selling drugs stuff like that, and won't learn to be better and to stay out of trouble. I think he is getting this idea by the people that live in his environment with the police coming all the time and the people there selling drugs. I have never witnessed something like this but I think I know why some people sometimes are always are getting in trouble. I think sometimes people aren't really mad at the people they fight or make fun of I think the stuff people do sometimes are caused by problems that happens at home.

This week i learned that it looks really bad when you get upset with someone and they've done so much for you. It makes you look really ungrateful. I learned that people doesn't have to do anything for you if they don't want to. So when somebody asks you do do something don't get upset if that person already does so much already. I personally have went threw this and when it happened i felt really bad. My mother does so much for our whole entire family and when she asked me to catch the bus i got upset. But after i felt really bad because she runs everybody to death. So that's one lesson i learned. I also learned in spanish if someone doesn't speak the same language as you doesn't mean you have to treat them different. Those are the things i learned this week.               Image result for quotes saying don't be ungrateful


                                      BOYS OF BARAKA

            The Boys Of   Baraka aka the boys of baltimore are born in the hood.All the boys are doing horrible in school and need a better education . They are all started attending a school in africa named baraka school. The school is supposed to help the boys succeed.The baraka school becomes harder for the boys , but they all know that they have to get through it . The boys have to stay their for 2 years. Their are 3 main people in the story, Romesh , Richard , Devon and Montrey . Montrey is the one with fighting issues Devon wants to become a preacher Romesh and Richard the two brothers want to just do good in school. Montrey the one i least expected to do good actually did great he made it to one of the best high schools . Devon Became a ice cream man , Romesh went to prison and Richard had no information . The Boys Of Baraka all did'nt go a second year at baraka school due to threats. This story has teached me "that some people have it rougher then others". 

That boy came straight outta baraka

Image result for boys of baraka pictures
So mainly this movie was about boys that need to have better things to look up to. For example montrey grew up from baltimore and was having a good life until he started getting locked up and romesh just was getting in trouble all his life people wanted better for him but he just insisted on getting in trouble with the police. He got locked up for attempted murder and kidnap  and he also got locked up for having drugs. Now his brother is doing better and trying to grow up but his kinda having an ok life right now and he owns a ice cream stand but hes trying to be successful. Now the preacher is actually being successful trying to be a preacher for his church that's his main priority  and he also love taking care of the community. So the baraka program help some but not all and i say that because  some of them is actually trying to be successful for there community.

Image result for boys of baraka picturesImage result for boys of baraka picturesImage result for boys of baraka picturesImage result for boys of baraka pictures "THE BOYS OF BARAKA THE MADNESS"

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


Hello all,

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

All about Rambo

my name is Rambo
i have a girl dog.
i have a boy dog.
i like football.
i like basketball.
i am strong.
i wear i size 12 shoe.

the bloggers post

7 facts
well i guess one fact is that i was born out of state
another one is that i am 16 years old
i am on the urbana swim team
i play a lot of games
i use to play percussion
i like to play basketball
i use to be a black belt about 7 years ago.

7 Random facts

  • I like playing soccer, I watch it and play it all the time
  • My favorite soccer team is Real Madrid
  • My favorite soccer players are Ronaldo and Iniesta
  • I love music, I listen to rap
  • My favorite rappers are J cole, Logic, Kendrick Lamar, Joey Bad*$$ and Biggie
  • My favorite rap group is Migos
  • I like drawing, I like drawing objects or animals but not people

blah blah blah

-I like basketball.
- i like football.
- i need to read more.
-i have a bunch of writing skills.
- i love sports.
-i need to blog more.
-i have a great life.

       1. I have a pitbull his name is tank
       2.I have 7 nieces and nephews
       3.In my free time i like to help my mom out
       4. My favorite food is pizza and hot cheetos
       5. My favorite place to eat is windy city
       6.I have both of my parents in my life they have been together for 16 years
       7.Im the baby of the family

i am me

 i am 15 years old 
i am a girl 
i am mixed with a few different things 
i love the color blue 
i have a big family 
i am a middle child 
i am 5'1 

colorful-grunge-font-number-1-vector-1360051.jpg (380×400)colorful-grunge-font-number-5-vector-1360060.jpg (380×400)

i am me

 i am 15 years old 
i am a girl 
i am mixed with a few different things 
i love the color blue 
i have a big family 
i am a middle child 
i am 5'1 

colorful-grunge-font-number-1-vector-1360051.jpg (380×400)colorful-grunge-font-number-5-vector-1360060.jpg (380×400)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

You're In!

Now that you've set up your account, we need your help.

Our blog needs a description.

Let's practice commenting by finding one.

1. Use your research skills to find a quote about writing that you like.
For example, this is the one WSE LAB chose last year: 

I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of ― Joss Whedon

2. In a comment on this post, give the quote you want as our heading and a 3-5 sentence  explanation why!
Let the best quote win! We will vote next time we blog!

3. When you finish, you have just one more task called "7 Random Facts."
Create a new post and list 7 random facts about yourself. Remember to share only information you wouldn't mind being made public. We have a large audience now!

Here's an example: 
1. I have a rabbit named Harry
2. My fantasy football team name is Halas in Wonderland
3. My favorite thing to do besides teaching is nail art
4. My favorite local restaurant is Huaraches Moroleon
5. I wouldn't want to live in a world without McDonald's
6. The Chicago Bears have the ability to ruin my entire week
7. I love wearing patterns that don't necessarily match
8. If I could be any fictional character, I would be Fox Mulder from The X-Files