Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Lunch with my grandpa

I choose my grandpa because he die before i could of meet him.he die of cancer a week before i was born and i always wanted to ask him why did he kill that person. How didnt you get caught by the cop

Sunday, May 14, 2017


The book American born Chinese is very interesting to me. It has a lot of different story's in one.there is like 3 different parts to the whole book and once you finish the book it will all come together it's kind of hard to explain the book in words.its one of those things where you got to read it from start to finish

Thursday, May 11, 2017

one day i have a game in the game i have a bad ingaer i can't play soccer now for two weeks im mad ,  but i need get  some rest beffer  high school soccer starts, my couch be mad at me if i will not play this saesson because its last year he be couching Urbana , and itd be my last year at high school, i thing i'm going to the army after school but i'm not cure yet , i'm still thinkign should i go to army after school or after colleag but i still have time for the,

Image result for artem burnett

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

End of KR Journal opions

Image result for friendship breakup

The picture represent friendship breakup.2 boys have different way.Like Amir and Hassan.After their friendship breakup they have different way,different end.Amir follow Baba go to U.S.Hassan follow Ali stay Mazara.Since that they have two different kinds of life.And I think their friendship breakup is the most important in the book.All of thing next happened because of this.If their friendship don't breakup,maybe will have another end.

Image result for the kite runner

The picture shows two boys catching the kite and a sentence.
The picture can represent the kite game in Kabul when Hassan and Amir are young."For you,a thousand times over." is Hassan said to Amir before he catch blue kite for Amir. (When Amir saw Assef bully Hassan,he said nothing and try to get rid of Hassan.Amir is cowardly at that time.)
The picture also can represent the end in the book.Amir and Hassan's son Sohrab play kite in the U.S.Before Amir catch the kite for Sohrab he said in his heart "For you,a thousand times over."Like Hassan did before.The last sentence in the book is "I run." Run for the kite.Deeper meaning is run for hope,for someday they can touch Sohrab,for the new beginning. (Amir back to Kabul save Sohrab.He knows it's dangerous place and still go.Make up for the previous fault.Be brave.)

Image result for war Taliban

The picture represent war.It's really cruel for everyone.A lot of children lost their parents.People lost their house,family.They can't eat enough food.Bewildered everyday.If there is no war,although Amir and Hassan friendship breakup.They still can live in the world.But because of the war,Hassan die.Hope the world always peace.No war.


I feel this is a good picture to represent the book because a lot of people in this book have been hurt but were repaired. Saying that I mean an example is amir was a negative child who lied and caused problems in his household. Over the years after finding out some things from his father he grew as a person with a new personality and he looked at life differently because of the people he had in his life. After losing some people dew to death it made him get closer with other people. He changed as an individual , he was a inspiration to people and he cared about things that were important to him . Once his brother Hassan passed away he showed his nephew better things in life so he didn't go through things that his father did. He got him while he could because he had already been through a lot. Seeing someone hurt will make you want to do better for others and yourself.  He played with the kite as a kids with friends

What did I think of The Kite Runner?

Shawndrell Taylor

I don't really like sad things, but The Kite Runner was a pretty good book. I really go into detail about what I specifically liked about it, but I just liked it a lot.  It makes me wonder what life is like for others outside of where I live. And when I just thought of that, it reminded me of the other book I'm reading, I Will Always Write Back. Just how I'm wondering what life is like in other countries, Caitlin is wondering what Martin's life is like in Zimbabwe. She worries for Martin and wonders how he's doing, just like how Amir (as a adult) was wondering how Hassan was doing back in Kabul. I feel like maybe, just maybe Kite Runner and I Will Always Write Back have some similarities. I don't know if my theory is true but if it is I'll have to look out for these similarities when I get back to reading it.

summer 2k17

i plan on doing many things this summer like traveling to mexico and getting a job. also i have soccer practices over the summer which is going to be maybe the most fun we ever going to have again because our coach, coach blackman said that this year will be his last year. hopefully we have a very successful season next so our coach can leave with a great season and fun time. also with a memory of the big trophy.